Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, October 31, 2008

Day 4 - Daddy's not home

Today's afternoon is the pretty much the same as before. I played with Little Tristan in the afternoon. However, in the evening, we started to prepare our stuffs to bring to my parent's place because we are going to stay over for the weekends.

We went to Little Red House at East Coast Seafood Centre for dinner to celebrate my dad's birthday. Little Tristan had fun because there are many people who played with him there. We went back to my parent's place after that.

Oh yah, as for Little Tristan diarrhoea, he pooed pooed 3 times today and his poop looks much better. He is on the recovery track!

Another bad night though! He was as cranky as the night before. I guess more teeth is coming out and with his tummy upset, he feels super uncomfortable.

P.S: Daddy, I miss you x 4!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day 3 - Daddy's not home

I went out in the afternoon so Little Tristan went over to his grandparents' place. When I went there for dinner, mother-in-law told me that Little Tristan has diarrhoea. He poo poo 5 times today. Furthermore, on the left side of his little tummy, there was a ten cent coin blueblack with a mini bump underneath the blueblack (I knew about this blueblack when I was bathing him the night before). I was pretty worried and mother-in-law said it's better to bring him to see a doctor.

After dinner, I brought him to see the doc. He said that the blueblack should not be something to be alarm about, the bump could be due to some blood vessel burst. As for how did the blueblack came about, it could be due to a knock or someone pinch him (who who?!?!). For his diarrhoea, doc did not comment much, just say let him drink lots of water and watch his diet then he should be alright. 2 types of medications and $37 bucks gone. Hopefully he recovers soon!

Little Tristan was pretty cranky for the entire night. He refused to sleep at 9+ pm. I played with him and coaxed him but he still refused to sleep. The worst is when he starts crying...he just screamed and cried for the entire night. He will stop for a while to rest and then continue crying again. It lasted until about 11+ pm to 12 am. By then, he cried so much that he was so tired and fell asleep. But that's not all! In between the night, he work up a few times to cry. I had to wake up and coaxed him back to sleep. He was tired but I was equally exhausted. I think his tummy is giving him problem and he was super uncomfortable which leads to all these crying.

How I wish dear is around for nights like these. It's really hard to manage alone and it really test my patience to the max. Hope Little Tristan recovers soon and we have a peaceful night tomorrow.

P.S: Daddy, I'm not feeling well! We need you and miss you x 3!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 2 - Daddy's not home

Today's afternoon activities were pretty much the same as Day 1. However, Little Tristan ate 2 meals of porridge today! I'm trying to feed him more porridge as he grows older because doc advised me to feed him less milk once he turns 2. So I'm trying to make him get use to eating more solid food.

As night falls, the same routine too. Bathe around 7.45 pm and milk at around 8.45 pm. Little Tristan fell asleep at around 9.20 pm and quite fuss free. I thought my prayers were answered! Guess what, when I put him in his bed and wanted to webcam with his godma, he woke up. I don't know if it's due to the noise or he woke up because he knows she missed him a lot. So there, we chat for about 30 minutes with her playing with her godson in between.

After that, I accompanied him to sleep on my bed. He fell asleep quite fast so I put him in his own bed again. As I was walking towards my computer, he woke up. No choice, I have to put him back on my bed and accompanied him again. This time after some coaxing then he fell asleep. I decided to let him sleep slightly longer on my bed first because I don't want to take another risk. At this moment, he seems to be sleeping pretty soundly. I will transfer him to his bed in a while. Pray hard that this time round he can continue with his sleep. I'm sure he will. Cheers!

P.S: Daddy, We miss you x 2!
Oh yah, I forgot to mention. Little Tristan climbed up the sofa on his own today! I'm not sure when he knows how to do this actually, but at least I saw it with my own eyes today. And yeah, he does knows how to walk but still not confident to walk long distance yet. Shall encourage him everyday and hopefully he will slowly build up his confidence and walk fully on his own! =)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 1 - Daddy's not home

Today is Day 1 that dear is not in Singapore. He went China for business trip again. Actually he goes overseas for business trip very often but for this time round, I'm trying to blog Little Tristan's daily activites so that he can know his progress.

After I came back from work, Little Tristan had just finished his porridge. I played with him for a while and he was tired already because he did not take his nap since morning he woke up at 8+ am. So around 2+ pm, he fell asleep and slept all the way till about 5 pm. I fed him cereal when he woke up, not a lot though but I managed to coax him to finish it. Tough job! I fed him apple and grapes too as dessert. Then it's more play time and bits of reading time for him.

I bathe him around 7.45 pm and then off to my room to read some story books and to coax him to sleep. I fed him milk around 8+ pm but he simply refused to sleep after that. Toss and turn around my entire bed and he rolled off the bed! I had a shock! Luckily, he rolled off together with the bolster so that act as a cushion for him. No damage done. Phew! More toss and turn and he finally fell asleep around 9+pm. Another tough job!

Hopefully, tomorrow will be easier to coax him to sleep. Haha! That's what I wished for everyday. To be honest, our Little Tristan is already very obedient that I don't have to carry him to sleep every night (how to carry? 12 kg?!). He will just toss and turn for some time and fell asleep on his own. He is our wonderful baby! =)

P.S: Dear+Daddy we miss you!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sentosa UnderWater World

We brought Little Tristan to Sentosa UnderWater World on 9th October 2008, Thursday. It was our 'first' family outing to places of interest and was without maid; just the three of us. I beco him almost for the entire outing and at the end, my shoulder was quite painful. It was really no joke to beco this little boy who is around 12 kg. Hehe! We chose UnderWater World because Little Tristan loves fishes!

We went to Vivocity foodcourt for lunch first and bought our tickets from the ticketing counter there. Then we drove in to Sentosa and park at the Beach carpark. Next, we took the beach tram to reach UnderWater World. By then, Little Tristan was due for his afternoon nap and he was super restless. However, once we stepped into UnderWater World and told him to look at all the beautiful fishes in the aquarium, he brightened up almost immediately. Though he was tired but we can see that he forced himself to stay awake to look at his favourite fishes. He enjoyed himself very much and of course both of us too. As long as he is happy, we are happy too! Little Tristan fell asleep soon after we left UnderWater World. Guess he already exhausted all his energy in staying awake for his fishes.

After that, we had our dinner at a restaurant called "Tastes of Singapore (Beach Station)". It was just some foodcourt kind of food but at 4x the prices compared to foodcourt. We found that it was not worth it. Anyway, it was our fault too, we actually wanted to go "Ami's Restaurant" but we went into the wrong restaurant. (The two restaurants were beside each other) Haha! So blur of us.

After dinner, we went to watch "Song of Sea". While waiting for the show to start, Little Tristan finally woke up. We played with him for a while and gave him his favourite rabbit biscuits. The "Song of Sea" was really nice and more worth the money as compared to UnderWater World which I thought was over-priced. Little Tristan enjoyed the show even though at some part he was quite scared cause of the loud sound.

Overall, everyone of us enjoyed the outing very much even though it cost us close to 100 bucks for all the entrance fees+meals. I was still telling dear that we should organise another outing soon. Our conclusion; yes, we will and it shall probably be Zoo or Botanic Garden. Yeah! More fun coming up!

Some photos to share with you all...
Look at how happy Little Tristan was...

**Home Sweet Home**

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Little Tristan finally walked a short distance unassisted today! YEah! He was walking to and fro between me and his daddy. We were so proud of him and I can see that he was pretty proud of himself too! It was a wonderful moment when he walked between us and the three of us had great fun. Took a video and shall upload it one of these days. Cheers!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Little Tristan's Hair Cut 2

Little Tristan had his 3rd hair cut at my parent's place on 26th September 2008. My mum, his grandmother, cut his hair for him. It was the 2nd time that she did it for him. His very first hair cut was just a day before his full month celebration and that was done by the professional who cut him botak cause of the tai mao bi.

We had a hard time trying to get him to stay still until I show him his favourite PowerPoint slideshow. I tried to cut a bit too, but it was quite disastrous so my mum had to try to salvage that portion that I cut.

Overall, the end product of his hair was quite amusing. Guess who he looks like..."Ah Wang"! Haha! Oh my goodness was all I can say! =P

Before the haircut:

During the process:

After the haircut:

Tadah! This is how Little Tristan looks like now!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fun with Boh Boh!

Look at how happy Little Tristan is when he can't reach for his bolster aka boh boh to him. I took these videos one morning when I was playing with him.

He was a little frustrated after trying hard to get his boh boh but yet he still can't reach it. When he finally got it, he was very satisfied. Oh yah, see how he usually play with his boh boh in the video. He is just so adorable! I love him so much! What a cutie...haha!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Little Tristan's Birthday Celebrations

Little Tristan is a lucky baby! He celebrated his 1 year old birthday 4 times:

1) Sept Babies Mega Party - 17th August, Sunday
This mega party was organised by the forum mummies and I brought Little Tristan there to celebrate with the rest of the Sept 2007 babies. It was very fun and well organised!

2) Celebration with Dear's family and our friends - 31st August, Sunday
We invited dear's family and our friends for this celebration and had buffet lunch at our place. The buffet was from Yan Palace and the dessert was fabulous. The guests love the cake that we ordered from emicakes. Everything was great except that birthday boy was a little grouchy when we sang the birthday song because he just woke up from his nap. However, he did enjoy himself after that.

3) Family celebration - 5th September, Friday
We held a simple celebration on our own on his actual day. It was just a simple celebration with a mini brownie as his cake. What is most important is daddy and mummy celebrated for him! Warm and sweet.

4) Celebrated with my family and close relatives - 6th September, Saturday
We booked a sea view bungalow at Aloha Loyang from the 6th - 7th Sept. We invited my family and close relatives for a BBQ celebration. The food and gathering was good except that it started raining around 8+ pm so we had to stop our BBQ session. Luckily by that time, most guests were full. We proceed to sing the birthday song and this time round, Little Tristan was ok and having fun. The ice cream cake was from Swensen and it was nice. Overall, the celebration was wonderful and we had lots of fun!

See, I told you, Little Tristan is a lucky baby right, with 4 birthday celebrations when he is only 1 year old! How fortunate! =)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Swimming Session - 13th July

This post is long overdue. I was just too lazy to do the collage and post the pictures. Finally have the mood to do it today.

Little Tristan simply loves swimming and as you can see, we finally bought him his first swimming costume and mushroom float. Cute yeah! Here are the pictures...